The interpretations of single numbers



NO. 1: The Sun(Numbers 1-4). 1 corresponds to Aries.

Alphabets allotted: A, I, J, Q and Y

Key words: Individuality, Originality, Authority, Ambition, Male.


NO. 2: The Moon(Numbers 2-7). 2 corresponds to Taurus.

Alphabets allotted: B, K and R.

Key words: Passivity, Duality, Receptivity, Creativity, Changeable and Female.


NO. 3: Jupiter(Number 3).

Alphabets allotted: C, G, L and S.

Key words: Expansion, Optimism, Justice, Expression, Joy of living.


NO.4: Uranus/Rahu.

Alphabets allotted: D, M and T.

Key words: Practicality, Rigidity, Loyalty, Construction, Real Estate.


No. 5: Mercury.

Alphabets allotted: H, E, N and X.

Key words: Freedom, Adaptability, Travel, Speech and Writing, Inconsistency.


No. 6: Venus.

Alphabets allotted: U, V and W.

Key words: Love, Art, Luxury, Marriage, Beauty, Harmony, Sensuality.


No. 7: Neptune/ Ketu.

Alphabets allotted: O and Z

Key words: Divinity, Mental Analysis, Occultism, Spirituality, Wisdom.


No.8: Saturn.

Alphabets allotted: F and P.

Key words: Executive ability, Materialism, Power.


No. 9: Mars.

No alphabet is allotted to this number as this number is considered as a Holy number.

Key words: Artistic, Genius, Humanitarianism, Spirituality, Universal Love.

In Chaldean Numerology, it isn’t enough to know about the single numbers. One has to understand the “compound” or “double” numbers also. The single numbers simply represent the physical outward appearance of a person’s name, whereas the compound number represents the deeper, metaphysical and hidden influences behind the name.

Today I will end my post with these interpretations, key words and the planets associated with the numbers.

Hope you find this interesting and useful.

Calculator, Red, Flat Design, Minimalist


  1. Interesting, look forward to more content on this

  2. Could there be a scenario where the traits related to single number and compound number conflicts for an individual

    1. Ultimate Experience , absolutely. This is the reason when we change the spelling of a name we look from which compound the single digit is coming from.


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