Numbers And Their Vibrations

NUMBERS AND THEIR VIBRATIONS Numbers are all around us. In fact we are surrounded with numbers from the time we are in our Mother's womb. Our growth is marked with weeks and months. And then we are born on a particular day and time and we are also weighed immediately after birth. Our life journey begins. Gradually, we also start with our 1,2,3,4 counting. And that journey becomes very scary for few people as that number calculation is called MATHEMATICS/ARITHMETIC. I know that I was terrified as the years progressed. Apart from Arithmetic we need numbers in our day to day life to function. Now comes the part about which the article really is. I am talking about our Birth Date. It is also known as Psychic Number. We are all born with a purpose. We all are remarkably unique yet very similar. Whether we are born into an affluent home or a middle class family nature's resources are for everyone to share equally.Nature doe...